t: 01543 574605  
m: 07957 882409 
HR Advice for Employers 
We have more than 20 years’ experience in HR at a senior level managing all aspects of Employee relations. While you focus on other important matters we can ensure your employees have up to date information regarding contractual issues, employment policies and workplace procedures. 
Setting Employment Standards 
Business Managers need to focus on the success and growth of the business. We appreciate managing your business can make great demands on your time and energy; as can the people you employ. 
As an employer you have a legal duty to provide every employee with a statement of Terms and Conditions, and the policies to support the employment contract. 
We will support you to set employment standards. 
Our HR support services include: 
Telephone advice 
Supporting managers (and taking notes) at disciplinary or appeal hearings 
Ensuring employment contracts, policies and procedures are up to date 
Training seminars and workshops on all relevant subjects 
Dealing with Employee Issues 
If an employee becomes disruptive, takes frequent absences or breaches the company code of conduct then we will advise you on the correct procedures to follow when dealing with them. 
“Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don't wish for fewer problems; wish for more skills. Don't wish for fewer challenges; wish for more wisdom.” 
- Jim Rohn 
We will tailor our services to suit your requirements. Our flexible service plans start from as little as £240.00 per annum (inc. vat). 
For more information about our personnel management training, visit our Managing People page.